Well ..... as Fundamental to create a PIN which is valid, although many who use a variety of methods, which can also be used and proven translucent edge
so so 3G and EDGE 3g BIS = Connected or active .. but the server is the server
can not be lied to if not equal the value of the SP was just counting the days not too hard that's the way the calculations are also valid for PIN ... for example, for instance, if there is pin 23A5752C
Where A = 1, B = 2 C = 3 D = 4 E = 5 F = 6 G yah no .. at least not yet because xixixi
combination of numbers and letters eight-digit PIN is still generating hundreds of thousands of combinations of numbers ..
Now back to the PIN before, then they will make a PIN number are all used to, would like
is: 23157523 then compute similarly to find the value of xx = sp d1 = d2 = 2 d3 3 = 5 = 7 d4 d5 d6 = 1 = 5 = 3 d7 d8 = 2
d1 = d3 = 3x2 = 6 5x2 = 10 d5 = 10 d7 = 5x2 = 3x2 = 6
6 +1 +0 +1 +0 +6 = 14 x1 = 14
+ d2 + d4 d6 + d8 = 2 +7 +1 +2 = 12 x2 = 12 x3 = 26 means sp = 30-26 = 4
Ok ........ now it must already know how to validate the PIN and IMEI BlackBerry? definitely
But ... there is a random way which can be used to trick the server lest we suspend PIN ..